Reservations 877·97·CRAFT  (877·972·7238)

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Puerto Madryn is located along the rugged Patagonian coast and is most known for its beaches, scenery and marine wildlife. First settled by Welsh settlers in 1865 and for many years was a colony of Wales. Today it is a popular tourist destination for those who love marine wildlife. This is the area is known for its penguin colonies, sea lions, marine elephants, cormorants and whales among many others.

Ship Location

Puerto Madryn's passenger cruise terminal is located at the Alte. Storni Pier, about 4 miles from town.

Getting Around

The best way to get around is by taxi or private hire vehicle. Most cruise passengers take tours to get out to the rugged wilderness areas for marine wildlife viewing. Once in town Puerto Madryn is easily explored on foot.


Here you can enjoy beautiful beaches, a wide range of water sports, learning about Welsh history, and a wide range of marine wildlife. The most popular attraction here is Punta Tombo, the world's largest colony of Magellan penguins.