Cheryl Brunette

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With the help and guidance of her mother, Cheryl Brunette started knitting when she was 7 years old and has followed in the footsteps of the woman known as the “neighborhood go-to knitter”. Knitting her first three angora sweaters for a classmate at age 14, she has since spent years helping people solve problems and figure out clever little knacks and ways in which to avoid succumbing to the same dilemmas repeatedly- teaching a knitter the skills she needs to get her started again. Assisting a fellow knitter untangle a knitting predicament brings Cheryl more joy than Sudoku, and much more fun!
BIO ~ Cheryl Brunette
Cheryl Brunette got a Bachelors degree in English and Speech, and then a Masters in English Language and Literature, with which she became a middle school and high school English teacher. Though she spent many years teaching teenagers the skills they would need in later life, her true passion was knitting. When her son was little, she decided to stay at home with him so she started a knitting school in the farmhouse next door, and worked once a week at the local yarn store, becoming the “Tuesday Troubleshooter” which was no doubt inherited from her mothers love of helping fellow knitters.
She spent a long time in the professional knitting world, writing a book (Sweater 101), magazine articles and creating four instructional videos for YouTube to solve common knitting problems found by many knitters all over the world. After taking a break to care for family needs, she returned to her passion and modified her life plans, working on getting her book republished, as well as starting to participate in the knitting life again. She is thrilled to be back, teaching knitting and sharing her love for fiber arts with other enthusiasts.
Books ~ Cheryl Brunette
Sweater 101: How to Plan Sweaters that Fit and Organize Your Knitting Life at the Same Time (1991 Patternworks; 2007 Marrowstone Island Press)
Education ~ Cheryl Brunette
BA in English and Speech - University of Michigan, MI
MA in English Language and Literature - Eastern Michigan University, MI
Certificate of Audio Production - University of Washington Extension, Seattle WA