Reservations 877·97·CRAFT  (877·972·7238)

12-Day ~ Scotland, Ireland & England Cruise (Aug 2010)

Holland America Line

Start Date:


August 14, 2010


End Date:


August 26, 2010

Scotland, Ireland & England Cruise (Aug 2010) ~ Knitting Cruises Description

Knitting is cool and cruising to cool weather regions where the knitting culture has always been a part of every day life is even cooler.  If you have a keen interest in knitting and textiles this enriching voyage to the best ports in Scotland, Ireland and England coupled with fantastic onboard educational program with Sally Melville and Beth Brown-Reinsel will bring a unique and interesting twist to your cruise vacation.

Join us on a cruise full of breathtaking wild scenery and lots of wooly sheep.  Meet local spinners, weavers and knitters along the way as well as many talented craftspeople specializing in everything from basket making and jewelry artistry to numerous other textiles.  Experience regions known for abundant sheep farms producing high quality wool and spectacular coastal scenery.  In Ireland you'll be inspired by castles, mists and fairy tales as well as by every shade of green under the rainbow.

From your floating resort, discover beautiful destinations to discover the past, from magnificent castles, charming villages to lush green countrysides. While in Glasgow, feel a sense of adventure while basking in the tranquility of Scotland. Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth claim Glasgow as their home port as do other famous liners. Some of the best golf courses in the world can be found in the lush green land around Glasgow.

Thronged with history and tradition, the Scottish Serenade Cruise will take you to ports boasting museums, cathedrals and art galleries, to searching for Nessie in Loch Ness. Or if you would rather, enjoy Highland bagpipes in Invergordon or take some time to walk the cobbled walkways in Edinburg to visit its many historic monuments.

Sally Melville is an inspirational creative artist who happily shares with the world how knitting changed her life and how it can change yours.  Participating in this feel good activity brings everyone closer together and creatively makes the world a brighter place.  Beth Brown-Reinsel has always had a keen interest in traditional knitting with a focus on traditional patterns and authentic yarns of Northern Europe.